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11 March 2007

Results of being both shy and tactless

Become more comfy in social situations

  • Always look for the positive qualities in a person. Getting people to like you is merely the other side of liking them.
  • Don't have a big ego. If you give the impression that you know it all, that you are superior, you make it hard for people to like you. Be normally humble.
  • Give strength to people, support them. Help them to be stronger and they will give you affection.

  • So, right from the beginning I'm screwed. Positive qualities? I tend to look more for what people are capable or incapable of. Be humble? This one really sets it that I will be uncomfortable in social atmospherers for pretty much ever. Humility is rarely a friend, as I much prefer to acknowledge my awesomeness. And, in turn, I expect others to as well. Strength I can do. If you can live through me, thsn you can live through anything. Like Nietzsche, but usually liquored up and lacking the syphilis.

    ...via Lifehacker