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04 March 2007

The line bgeins to blur...

So the eclipse pretty much looked like this. From further away. And cold. And windy. And seen with 2 pagans on a break from work.

I grew up on Greek mythology. I read all the stories and knew all of the Gods, monsters and humans. Somehow, I always felt a special love for Artemis, goddess of the hunt. While I never wanted to be the chaste and pure being she was in story, I loved her complete freedom and independence. So I have also always looked fondly upon the moon, as it is her planet. The one place in the world I have always wanted to visit is the island of Delos, to see the ruins of altars built to her and her brother Apollo at their place of birth. I think in some ways she is why I wanted to be an astronaut as a child; to be closer to the moon.

But tonight, as with all times, I look upon it and see nothing but an orb in the sky. I lack the belief to feel any sort of religious comfort in it. Scientifically, while rare, the eclipse looked just like a night when the moon is waxing/waning. Nothing terribly special in it all. And that made me mildly sad. Like growing up and being told on Christmas morning that Santa is actually Mom and Dad. There was no magic. I had called it magical on the way downstairs in a mocking fashion, only to see the truth of my statement.

While nature is itself fantastic, it lacks whatever it was I was after. I have been in awe of nature many times, but this left nothing.

Sometime, just once, I would like to feel that awe with someone at my side rather than the necessity to be on my own.

And now I go force myself to sleep to insure being back 10 hours after leaving work...


Beckers said...

I'm pleased to have been one of the pagans. At the end of the day, faith is just what brings you comfort in times of trial. The moon doesn't have to do it for you, my friend. Your favorite socks could do it for you and be just as fulfilling. And you're still my favorite, even if you did mock me on the stairs.

Astatine said...

it's what i do. and you already know you'tr right, i just lack the capacity for that instance.