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03 March 2007

About Time...

See that thing on the left? I hate it. I hate every bit of pointless fake patriotism that the hoards feel the need to post on every piece of crap vehicle they own so as to show that they have good intentions. Righteous intentions. As if any money from these goes to the actual troops (or even the military) or raises awareness of issues. If anyone was aware of the issues to begin with the need for the slogan wouldn't be as pressing.

And as these stupid little magnets also brought the onslaught of all the other 'causes', this nice article made me giggle. It's about damn time that they no longer made a profit. I have nothing against the companies making the items, as they were just feeding on the desires of the populace. It is, as always, the populace I despise. In this instance, I am glad that there is a momentary gap of obscenely tacky stupid human behavior about.