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01 February 2007

One handed computering sucks

I wish I knew what it is about cold weather and making all the broken bits of you hurt. And, preferably, how to stop it. My right arm has been hurting like mad today. The shoulder has been throbbing like I have been trying to do pull-ups or play baseball, except not in the muscle but the bone. The way it pops and cracks I have problems believing there is actually any muscle attached to the clavicle/scapula anymore. And while that hurts with a sort of consistent pain that can be mostly ignored, the real pain comes from the right hand and wrist. Running from the ring and pinky fingers up through the wrist and halfway up the forearm comes the feeling that there is ice or nanoscopic little blades being pushed through the bones as blood through a vein. Like small little civil wars in the marrow, complete with pipe bombs and chemical attacks.

This is not carpal tunnel or something of that form, but just a pain that makes me want to curl up in a little ball and hold it and pray the hurt goes away. Or put it into a clamp and tighten until the pain of the pressure kills the pain of the internal.

I am too young to be this broken. And how is it the right arm, which a year ago was almost perfectly healthy can hurt worse than both ankles that I've damaged to the point of needing surgery the next time I misstep or the previously fractured elbow? Man, about this time health insurance would be fantastic.

(And yes, I know it cannot compare. Mine is mine, yours is most likely worse)