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27 February 2007

My brain holds all the wrong things

Secret Menu Items

Starbucks will make you absolutely anything you want no matter how insane it is, according to our tipster.

"Baristas might try and tell their customers that no, we can't do that with the blenders. This is a lie. Starbucks corporate policy is that the customer is ALWAYS right (even when the request is stupid). If you really insist that you want your iced soy latte blended, the baristas HAVE to do it. If they continue to refuse, ask to speak to a manager and either they'll realize they're about to get in trouble and will fill your request, or the manager will come out and politely tell the barista to make the customer happy.

Absolutely any concoction that you can think of (involving any type of milk, syrup, coffee, etc.) will be made for you. The limits to Starbucks "secret menu" are merely the limits of your imagination. You can even bring supplements from home and ask the barista to please include that in your drink."

Well, damn.

This is all too true. All you need is a base and then add from there. All about the customization. When I request an iced tall vanilla breve less-ice chai, all I want is a chai, add vanilla, add a little more breve than normal. On ice. Not so hard. That iced soy latte blended from above? Better request that correctly b/c blended also means half non-fat, half whole milk. Figure that out with the soy. The actual drink? Asked for daily by a wonderful little woman. Customization is also the way to pay much less for the same thing. Want an iced quad venti latte? Ask for a quad espresso over ice in a venti cup and then walk over to the condiment bar and pour in as muct milk as you wish. This pisses off the baristas but saves you 3 bucks or more. Tip well to make it up.

When I worked there I came up with all sorts of combinations of flavor since I didn't really like coffee. Want a chocolate chip cookie dough-like ice cream shake? Combine UBB (Universal Base Beverage: the white stuff for the cream Frappuccinos) up to a centimeter of the lower line on the cup, add Frappuccino Light Mix to the line (to try to compensate for the cal/fat content of the UBB), add one scoop brownie chips, 2 scoops Vanilla Bean powder, one pump mocha and 2 vanilla syrup. Add ice and blend. Sounds complicated but takes 30 seconds. Yummy.

We used to have people buy espesso fudge brownies and ask they be put in the blender with the Frappuccino. Or others would mix every syrup available with every milk and drink it daily.

Yes, all customization is possible. It does not, however, makes you less a dumbass.

Link/Quote via The Consumerist