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20 February 2007

Oh My God, Shoes!

Now, while I like fashion, I admit that I am not really one for shoes. As long as it is simple and comfortable, that's the pair I wear. One pair of Docs slip ons for everyday use, a pair of boots when I want to dress a little nicer. There's a bunch of shoes in my closest that I'm not sure if have seen natural light in over 2 years, each bought for a specific event. And sandals are strictly only dressy, otherwise they will never be on my feet.

But this collection takes the cake on oddness. Pair A looks rather interesting but reminds me too much of footie pajamas. Pair B looks terribly painful and Pair C, Pair D, and Pair E all look ridiculous.

Out of all of these the only ones that I might put on my feet are: Pair Z (if the right outfit matched) or Pair Y, which might be counted as an improved Rocket Boot. And while I wouldn't wear them, Pair X seems like something I could easily make soon with as many corks have been building up lately.