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05 February 2007

At least there is one

Hero /ˈhɪəroʊ/
noun (pl. -roes)
1 a: a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b: an illustrious warrior c: a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d: one that shows great courage

I believe this man deserves the title.


Anonymous said...

that is entirely awesome :D

...why is everyone at blogger set to kanji mode on the comments pages?

Astatine said...

i think that's your settings honey. or everyone's page you're looking at is japanese

i just had a 30 minute discussion on how wrong this situation is and how the amerikan view of military "following orders" is immoral. the worst bit is this man will probably go to jail.

Anonymous said...

my settings shouldnt be japanese primary. bah.

yeah, he probably will, and it's really lame. he's right! why is it the people who are wrong always get the most power? logic and reason my ass.

Astatine said...

like logic and reason have anything to do with it. we live in a country where the vast majority of people vote who goes into power based on their looks/appearance and a few key issues that they do not despise. logic and reason are a tool used by few to be able to function in a surrealistic society.

hell, it's amazing that with our media this ever made the news to begin with. and that 'oh nos! he disagrees with the president!' is the focus pretty well says it all.

Anonymous said...

surrealist society? hardly. it's idiotic society, wrapped in logic that is highly absurd. a surrealist society would have more creative people in it.

with the president's approval ratings so low, im not sure why the media even bothers skating around it. i should start my own news channel.

Astatine said...

i would watch. and i do not watch tv. and i would promote it. and maybe even advertise.

and i think there are plenty of creative people out there, just most use their mimaginations to defraud and manipulate to get their way.

Anonymous said...

Well, to voice another opinion.. He signed a contract he was not forced into. He took an oath, that's what you do. Why would we consider someone a hero for renigging on what they said they'd do?