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31 January 2007

I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon

It's snowing! I know that to most people that is not terribly special as it is a common occurrence, but come on, this is Texas. We get ice and sleet every now and then but snow? Two days ago I was wearing a tank top and was comfortable. Today I wake up to discover fluffy little cotton balls of snow falling outside my apartment. I tried to take some pictures but all I got was little white specks and some snow on the balcony. Which, as it had already landed, looked like ice and not snow. Disappointing.

But we finally get a day that seems like a real winter! I didn't figure that would happen for another 5 years or so from the pattern shifts. Perhaps the world is ending a little earlier than expected.

Damnit, it stopped. If the snow starts again and sticks a little it should be made into a holiday so I can make a mini snowman instead of going to work.


DM said...

It was Jesus