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17 January 2008

Still hating the sicknessity

Woke up this morning to a 103 degree fever. Called out to work, ate a little food, took some otc medicine. Fever dropped to 100. Very drugged, I went back to bed, woke up 6 hours later to a fever back up to 102.7. Which has now climbed back up past 103. My jaw hurts from clenching it shut throughout the night due to shivering. At one time I woke up and put on one of Adrian's flannel shirts to make me warmer, still wearing it now. Still cold. Gonna try blasting the heater and showering, see if that helps any. At least this happened on a Thursday, where I have 2 days off afterwards to recover.

Bria, I apologize if I don't make it tomorrow. I will try, but if I am feeling this bad, I'll see you next weekend. Love you either way. <3