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09 January 2008

Murakami Quotes

"Although I didn't think so at the time, things were a lot simpler in 1969. All you had to do to express yourself was throw rocks at riot police. But with today's sophistication, who's in a position to throw rocks? Who's going to brave what tear gas? C'mon, that's the way it is. Everything is rigged, tied into that massive capital web, and beyond this web there's another web. Nobody's going anywhere. You throw a rock and it'll come right back at you." - page 55, Dance Dance Dance, Haruki Murakami

"It was spring break, so the theater was always packed with high schools students. It was an animal house. I wanted to burn the place down." - page 159, Dance Dance Dance, Haruki Murakami


Anonymous said...

Love the first quote, its priceless!!!