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24 July 2007

Have fun with that...

The Cost of Raising a Child Over 17 Years ~ $170,460

"In this example, the numbers are based on a survey by the U.S. Department of Agriculture along with data from the U.S. Department of Labor4. They are numbers for a dual-parent family with medium household before-tax income of $39,100 to $65,800.

The cost of raising a child over 17 years:
Housing: $57,360
Food: $29,550
Transportation: $24,510
Clothing: $10,470
Health: $12,180
Child care/Education: $17,430
Miscellaneous (the occasional iPhone and pet): $12,720
Total cost: $170,460

Here’s a kicker. These numbers are updated with 2001 numbers using the Consumer Price Index. So yes, raising a child these days will most likely cost you more money."


And this would be why I do not even have living plants in my house. Yes I have a car, but that is a necessary evil living in this bloody metroplex.