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04 September 2010

Goodbye Old Friend

Time of Death: 01:00 CST. Rest in peace.


Anonymous said...

not sure i follow.....

Astatine said...

My company is switching programs from D1 to Oracle this weekend. I loved my old Unix based program, and the conversion has been hard for the last few months. So while most people get to enjoy the 3 day weekend if they work in an office, it is now Saturday night at 11 CST, and in the last 41 hours I've had 5 hours of sleep with 3 preceding. I just finished a conference call, with another at 2am and 5am, and then have to be in the office for go-live at 7am, at which point all chaos will take over and I might just give up drinking entirely for sleep-dep and the pretty hallucinations it brings. Follow all that, b/c I'm not sure I do any longer.......

Steve said...

My company, when given the option, likes to buy the cheaper (but less compatible) software vs. software that works with our existing stuff. They then proceed to spend the next 6 months and eventually more money on 'consultants' trying to fit a "round peg in a square hole."

Anonymous said...

now it makes sense. sorry for your loss. hope you get used to it/it gets used to you?

ps - i have some questions regarding texas. would you field them?

Astatine said...

of course. either here, lj, or email: nsmith(at)yahoo.com

research or just thoughts on southern states?