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27 November 2010


So, I drink espresso. A lot of espresso. Yes, if I were smart or followed all of my own ideals on recycling, then I would be using a reusable cup instead of the throw away ones. However, that's besides the point.

The point is that I felt it was a waste to leave all of the cups. So instead, I decided to do something completely unnecessary, and created a Christmas tree. This really is better than some of my past Christmas trees, which were really just other fake trees that had nothing to do with evergreens either. Instead, this year, I totally can say that I wasted an afternoon poking holes and super-gluing 45 cups together. Personally, I like it.

..Thanks for the inspiration.


Anonymous said...

this is what you do when not hanging out with me, huh?

nihil said...

look at you two. BFF forever.

Steve said...
