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02 March 2009

I don't know nothin' about no birthin' no babies!

So I rushed to leave work today at about noon as I was told that my sister would be delivering her twin girls within an hour. It has now been another 5 hours and there is still no news. The Rufusi (as they will henceforth be known) really need to hurry up and be born, as hospitals are incredibly boring places, and of course this is all about me. You drink more water to forget the boredom and to create and excuse to move around, even if it is only to visit the restroom. Of course this creates a circle of drinking more to replinish your fluids, which leads to more trips to the restroom. An expensive circle as a bottle of water. Costs $1.25 a bottle and the hospital obviously does not agree with water fountains as I have yet to see one after wandering around a while.

At any time it would be great to know they have been born and all are okay. So, come on, Rufusi!