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15 August 2008

"Nothing Endures but Change"

So middle sister is pregnant. Now I find out that she is not only pregnant, but expecting twins. So sometime around St. Patrick's Day or before, I will become an aunt. Or, as the case may be, due to my middle name, I will become Aunt Ique (eek) so that one day, if these kids also breed, I can be Auntique. Yes, my family is very clever.

“All who would win joy, must share it; happiness was born a twin.”-Lord Byron


Astatine said...

I know, 2 little Good thing is I get to attempt to be the cool aunt who dyes their hair, gets them piercings and sends them home drunk. Hells yeah! Just like I remember being 5!

Astatine said...

Totally said 2 little demons. Go Blogger.

Anonymous said...

your middle name is Ique?