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05 September 2008

Back to Normality....

Good God I'm lazy. I've been spending most of the day uploading photos from my external hard drive to a private folder on Flickr since I'm already paying for it and my hard driveonly seems to like to show up anymore on my work laptop. Stupid Windows/Mac/crappy hard drive brand compatibility. I had no idea until now just how many photos I have taken in the past 5 years or so, nor how time consuming it really is to transfer all tens of thousands of photos it is.

The plan was to spend the day getting the Seattle photos online as well as reading up on all the political pointlessness I've missed out on lately. NPR is wonderful, but only helpful if you catch a good show.

So, maybe soon I will have a good post.In the meatime, you get aNihil quote that pretty much sums up everything: "the Republicans want to go on and on about experience, well George W Bush has 8 years experience being the president, and he f-ing sucks at it."


Anonymous said...

im the most quotable guy no one's heard of.