The den is completely destroyed right now. The mantle is empty, the lights missing. Boxes are everywhere, mostly still waiting to be filled. I wish I could say I was a neat or organized packer, but mostly my method is to start with the most non-essential small items and move into the bigger and more cumbersome. Really starting to question how much I will allow the movers to touch, or more likely, how much they will move without charging extra. Sure we're only moving 4 miles away, but it still requires dismantling everything to do it. And there is much more to move now than was there 3 years ago.
Everything has changed during the time I have lived here. More than once. Cathartic to move, cathartic to stay. Something that I wish could have been much different. Somethings that never ever should have happened, some that perhaps should have. Odd to sit back and look at everything in the past tense and think of everything that led to this when the distance is only 4 miles. Electricity has been changed over, internet canceled as of sometime next week (no more shitty Verizon, we'll go without rather than pay for that again), just need to verify everything with the moving company (yay free!) and change over the mail.
Dunno if it would be easier if I was a gypsy. Never had the option. But, really, while I know it would scare the bejeebus out of me, I wish I were moving across country, far away from all that I had already known. Then, at least, I could be free of some of the spells that hold me in place when I should be running.
Please reconsider that thought of moving far, far away. It is not easier, the memories are just as sharp, but suddenly the tangible feels very tenuous. Far, far away can be revitalizing and beautiful, but also really really sad.
yeah, but first place to run would be near you silly. :p
"I wish I were moving across country" It's not all that it's cracked up to be.
However, the wife and I did move cross country, get married, and start new jobs all at the same I might be biased.
why are you moving? it looks like you had a fire place.
Have 2 fireplaces Nihil, one upstairs, and one down. Downstairs is covered by the couch. And, oh, this is Texas, where the need for a fireplace is -7 except for that one single day a year it might ice. New place has a fireplace in the bedroom/study, so I'll still have the chance to ever use those 2 java logs I bought a long time ago.
And Bill, I don't want to go through the process of moving, just the being somewhere new. Yes, I'm lazy and wanting too much.
oh, right. texas.
i forget because i think you live in the internet.
I think it would be a lot easier to move if that were the case.
I'm beginning to think that everyone has at least one floating Lack shelf from IKEA...
that'd be neat. then you could stop by and say hi. and also you could go find dave.
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